Thursday, January 04, 2007


Why do drivers stare right at me when they blow the yield sign down the street, cutting me off?

Why does my mother always want beer out of a tall glass when she only fills it up half way?

Why when you get some money saved something always happens that cost almost that amount?

Why when you eat Chinese food you get so full but are hungry like 1/2 hour later?

Why are men so complicated even when they are not supposed to be?

Why does the cat puke on your bed right after you changed the sheets?

Why does the President Ford Memorial look like a car dealership?

These are just a few questions I am looking for answers to lately.


Blogger Unknown said...

This reminds me of the Alanis Morrissette song "Ironic".

I'm not sure why your cat pukes on the bed but I'm sure your mom does the beer thing just to aggravate you.

11:08 AM  

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