Thursday, June 29, 2006


I have had it up to here with people and there kids. I really do not mind children. They have a place in this world. But what I do hate is those "everybody has to be a mother or else they are not worth anything and because I have kids that validates me as a human because I am too ignorant to validate my self"

I have a friend like that. She has 2 kids and she makes it out to be that this is something that everyone has to do...Be a mother. Like "what is wrong with you that you do not want children"

UMMMM......No definitely not me so shut your fucking trap

She says when are you going to settle down and have children???? This is a question posed to me on a weekly basis by this person.

My answer.......I have no Idea maybe never. This is not an answer that this mother wants to hear. She believes as long as a woman has an uterus that we have to use them for. me I use mine for cramps....

Women do not need to have fucking children to be whole. I am not having children for the wrong reason. I really do not even see the right reason is. Maybe I am not meant to be the mother of the year. Or the century

Fuck that changing dirty diapers, kids puking on you, boogers......FUCK that shit

I am the only one of my friends that does not have children. This makes me the envy of everyone when I can stay up past 10pm, sleep in til noon and party til dawn.

I have a cat that is as close to a kid i can get , except with a kid you can't leave then for 3 days to go to Vegas for a long weekend.

I mean you could but I believe it would be frowned upon.

So to all the childrenless "mothers" that are being talked in to having a baby because you can but are not sure that you really want one. Here is some advice for you it has worked for me for a short time in 2001 when my boyfriend was all in to having kids.

Well I convinced him that I really wanted them too, I really didn't but I thought he would break up with me and he was really good in the sac. Moving on (too much info is bad sometimes)

Anyway here is my advice

SECRETLY take your birth control......Works every time

FYI he left me for a more "fertile woman" I was better off I knew it

Anyway back to work for this Bitch


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