Thursday, July 06, 2006


Look out everyone those crazy North Koreans are "testing missiles" I told you this shit would happen. So far they say that they are just falling in to the Japanese ocean. Well woop de fucking doo.

Is that supposed to make me feel better. All they have to do is figure out how to get them to fly a bit farther and it is over. Hell if they have nuclear technology I am sure they have some dude that is really good at making model rockets. That dude could figure how to get them to your back yard.

This is where I have few things to say:

1. If we get in to yet another war over seas god help all the soldiers over there and there families back home.

2. I know that this is only testing of these weapons but I want that cross dressing dictator what ever his name is "general tso" to come out of the closet, dude you wear more make up then Joan Rivers.

3. I was going to quit smoking but decided that was stupid because I will be smoking the fallout of a fucking Nuke with the Korean flag on it in a few months anyway.

4. If Matthew Maconahey is reading this please baby I will do anything for 4 hours with you I swear.

have a good night


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