Thursday, July 06, 2006


Look at these 2 signs 90% of the human race knows what to do with the first sign.....That's right boys and girls then STOP.

Ok now the 2nd sign might be a little tricky, used less often and sort of comes with judgment call. But this sign is a yield sign.

This is the worst street sign ever created. This sign tells you that you should stop but we wont enforce it if you don't. This might be a good opportunity to slow the fuck down so that when you blindly look you do not cut people off. This sign has been the bane of my existence for the last week. No one ever stops at them they "yield" it like a waist of a stupid fucking sign

That is what you are supposed to do I get it "yield"

Well some people in this fucking state think that yielding means blow right by the fucking thing and cut me the fuck off.

Mostly people from out of state like these fucks from New Jersey. I know one fuck that cut me off in the state park with her big ass SUV. Fuck you bitch, do they not have yield signs in New Jersey. Maybe not but I hope that is was on the fucking test.

I live in an area of the state that gets quite populated in the summer time. I really do not care unless these fucks don't yield.

The fucking yield sign is all over the place here. I need people to stop cutting in front of me and actually almost stop at this sign. Because a yield sign there is no stopping, just yielding.

please just follow the passive aggressive sign to the best of your ability and if you don't you might see me giving you the finger and pointing at the fucking sign


Blogger Aza said...


People 'round these parts use both of those signs as target practice. Sad and infuriating.

3:51 AM  

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