The only reason I got a long weekend was that strangely enough I came down with a very strange illness. It was called game7itis.
I had to call in to watch the game and as we all know the Mets lost. BOO fucking HOO. Maybe next year. Well after I got over my strange illness I still could not go to work because I came down with....doyouwanttogotoATLANTICcityitis. Very rare illness. But feeling much better.
So after the Mets lost I had to pick my spirits up by going to Atlantic City for a long weekend with PM.
I had a great time and all but stupid PM did not want to gamble all that much so this was a bone of contention between us. You can only see sooooo many stupid shows. So a little argument ensued but I sort of won after all because he still paid for the room and I got to gamble.
All is fucking good. I did have a little incident with a woman from Russia or some shit....
she was being a real bitch at the Black Jack table. Now usually I know when people are drunk to leave them alone but this bitch needed to be told.
She was sitting next to me it was like 1am and kept leaning on me. Of course I knew it was a ploy to look at my cards. Fuck you drunk ass I am on to you.
So I told her to fucking quit it and she wouldn't.
Then to fucking really set me off she spills her fucking drink on me and I believe it was some sort of Vodka mixed with Vodka. It fucking stunk.
Knowing full well this bitch as drunk as she was could take me I figured that I should just let it go. But I couldn't, the dealer was getting her tossed from the floor due to her being wasted off her ass. And she turns to me and called me "American Bitch"
Now I know I am a bitch and I know I am American and fuck I am proud of that but she does not need to inform me of that. So I turn around at this point PM was there trying to calm me down. No chance of that.
I totally can't remember the actual words that came out of my mouth but I am sure that they weren't all that nice. But the whole thing ended when security came over dragged her out and I got comp tickets for a ton of shit.
So normally i would of been in her face telling her off but I was a little more polite and it worked out in my favour. Fucking a go figure.
I guess when I act like and adult it sort of works out sometimes. Huh I am going to have to remember that.
And If anyone wants to know....I lost my shirt in AC. Not pretty. '
No really I lost a nice black shirt I think the maid stole it.
alright later!
I had to call in to watch the game and as we all know the Mets lost. BOO fucking HOO. Maybe next year. Well after I got over my strange illness I still could not go to work because I came down with....doyouwanttogotoATLANTICcityitis. Very rare illness. But feeling much better.
So after the Mets lost I had to pick my spirits up by going to Atlantic City for a long weekend with PM.
I had a great time and all but stupid PM did not want to gamble all that much so this was a bone of contention between us. You can only see sooooo many stupid shows. So a little argument ensued but I sort of won after all because he still paid for the room and I got to gamble.
All is fucking good. I did have a little incident with a woman from Russia or some shit....
she was being a real bitch at the Black Jack table. Now usually I know when people are drunk to leave them alone but this bitch needed to be told.
She was sitting next to me it was like 1am and kept leaning on me. Of course I knew it was a ploy to look at my cards. Fuck you drunk ass I am on to you.
So I told her to fucking quit it and she wouldn't.
Then to fucking really set me off she spills her fucking drink on me and I believe it was some sort of Vodka mixed with Vodka. It fucking stunk.
Knowing full well this bitch as drunk as she was could take me I figured that I should just let it go. But I couldn't, the dealer was getting her tossed from the floor due to her being wasted off her ass. And she turns to me and called me "American Bitch"
Now I know I am a bitch and I know I am American and fuck I am proud of that but she does not need to inform me of that. So I turn around at this point PM was there trying to calm me down. No chance of that.
I totally can't remember the actual words that came out of my mouth but I am sure that they weren't all that nice. But the whole thing ended when security came over dragged her out and I got comp tickets for a ton of shit.
So normally i would of been in her face telling her off but I was a little more polite and it worked out in my favour. Fucking a go figure.
I guess when I act like and adult it sort of works out sometimes. Huh I am going to have to remember that.
And If anyone wants to know....I lost my shirt in AC. Not pretty. '
No really I lost a nice black shirt I think the maid stole it.
alright later!
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