Thursday, October 05, 2006


I decided to start something new. We are all forced with decisions in life some that we do not want to be in the position to make. But we are.

So I decided that once a week or so I am going to give you the ultimate decision to make. Some days it will be easy some days it will be hard. But hey life is fucking hard. So Just deal with it. Fuck I can't hold your hand.....geeze

I will say this if I was put in the position to make this decision I might just drive off a I would not. But you must pick one.

WHAT WOULD YOU DO???????????????????

Slide down a slide made of razor blades and into a tub of salt water


Vote Republican

Think carefully and answer honestly!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

neither .. cant vote in usa but yeah dont if it comes to that.. then i prolly wouldnt slit my wrists and would vote if it was a matter of life and death

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading this post, for a moment I thought you read my blog...

By the way, I can't vote in USA too...

2:53 AM  
Blogger NYD said...

Me not wanting to do either.
Both options contain way too much pain. So me runs away to another country and starts me existance all over again..

10:20 PM  
Blogger Aza said...

HAHAHA!!! I'd vote Repub! Why? Because it's funny and I'm sick.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every once in awhile a democrat comes along who, although he or she is a Democrat, is politically further to the right than a Republican. I can think of one such case here, in Illinois, where I voted for a Republican because the Democrat was politically to the right. It's backasswards, I know.

1:48 PM  

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