Monday, January 22, 2007

Woo Hoo!

I like many watched the football yesterday. Well I read the paper this morning. Fuck it whatever.

Well I read that the Bears beat New Orleans. Good for the Bears Bad for New Orleans.

I also that New England lost to Indianapolis.

Good if you have a team that is not represented by a state. Then get out of the NFL. First New England Patriots next Mid Western Red Necks.

What also kills me is who are the Patriots that they get like half of the east coast. Bull shit.

Well this is something that has always bothered me I have no clue why but fuck it does.

Also Go Bears and please, please, please.......


I need to be entertained like that again. I have not shuffled since the Super Bowl Shuffle.

I want to shuffle again.


Blogger Unknown said...

Bears Fans are counting down to D-Day. Less than two weeks and the Bears will reclaim their Glory and much deserved Championship.

The craziness following the game on Sunday was beyond ridiculous!!

Go Bears!!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Moderator said...

I'm saddened to learn you have not shuffled since 1986.

5:42 PM  

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