Thursday, June 01, 2006


I got a real good one up my sleeve tonight! Not just another off the wall comment that I have been harboring for years but a real true to life annoyance. I do not know about anyone else but I was royally pissed off this morning when I read the front page of the NY Post.

Come to find out the president cut Homeland Security money for a number of states. One being
this great state of NEW York. But come to find out the Homeland security budget was raised 44% in fucking New Jersey.

Who the fuck cares about New Jersey. See I have been to New Jersey and It was ok. But I notice that there are a lot of fucking New Jersey drivers all over the state of New York. So good ole W cuts NY down 40% we get fucked and New Jersey comes out smelling like a rose.

If you ever have been to New Jersey you know that it could never smell like a rose, just more like that sewage smell that is all over that fucking state.

I really do not worry about terrorism or home land security very much I probably should. See
what bothers me more than terrorism is people from NEW Jersey.

I am so narrow minded I should be forced to take some sort of class. But the fuckers cant drive and buy up all the property in upstate NY and then my fucking taxes go up!!!

I have the new state logo

New Jersey : we smell but we are safer than NY.

I got to get back to work so I can pay my inflated taxes caused by carpet bagging scum bags that just bought the house next to mine and that little fucking dog that barks alllllllll damnnnn day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one. I live in a little town on the south coast of england. And every year we get the city types from London coming here in their Ferrari's and Porches and generally acting like they're better than us cos they've got money and can afford to buy a house they won't even live in for 50 weeks of the year. And because they come here to live for 2 freaking weeks a year, we get rated a high cost of living area. So our taxes go up. Not to mention food bills.

By the way, as I'm a country type, slip the yappy dog next door a couple of handfuls of sheep food pellets. That'll shut it up. They expand when they hit water. It'll feel like it's eaten for a week, and will shit all over the owners house...

11:04 PM  

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