Saturday, February 24, 2007


Recently it has been brought to my attention that people are fucking idiots. Now the reasons that they are idiots varies, due to the situation.

One thing that has been driving me crazy, is the fact that when we die, people refused to bury us.

James Brown took like 3 months to put him in the ground. And now with Anna Nicole.

Fuck It! That is some crazy shit. Who cares where they want to be buried. Just put them in the ground. Have a little respect for the dead.

So in conclusion, I realized that if some thing happened and they would fight where to put my dead ass. I need to make some plans here.

So to all the readers here it goes:

When I die just put my ass in a plane drop me in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and let me become fish food.
The food chain will become full circle.

I would have done my part.


Blogger Moderator said...

I just hope people don't bury me before I die. They can do whatever they want after I'm gone.

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great point. I always wondered this when someone famous dies, and you're all sad, and then you forget. THEN you hear about their memorial service.

2:56 AM  

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