Friday, June 01, 2007


I have a burning question? I has been on my mind for about a week now. I need someone to explain to me why.

OK here goes. Why? When I hit the snooze button on my alarm it is only for 9 minutes?

I believe a good "snooze" takes longer than 9 minutes.

In America when we have millions of choices on million of things. We only get 1 choice on how long the snooze goes for.

I believe that when I go to buy an alarm clock I should get the choice between 9 minutes up to a 1 hour snooze.

When I go buy booze there are a billion bottles to choose from at the liquor store. Why not when buying an alarm

I thought this was America.

OK now if anyone out there has an alarm clock with a snooze longer than 9 minutes, maybe we could work out a trade.

List of things that bugged me today:

1. the snooze alarm
2. humidity
3. gas prices only went down 1 cent (fuck you 1 cent what am I going to do with a penny)
4. work
5. the fact that beer prices went up due to gas prices (do the trucks run on Budweiser)
6. tuberculosis

Have a good weekend !!!!


Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

I think alarm clocks should add a "coma" button that lasts for six months.

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snooze buttons are russian roulette! If you sleep through it, thou art truely screwed!

3:09 AM  
Blogger James said...

If you get a pocket computer, they have variable snooze lengths.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Bird said...

I thought you would be about the happiest girl on earth right now, with Paris in jail and Rosie looking like the biggest jackass ever!

10:08 PM  

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